Note: For those of you who don’t like to read, scroll down to check out my sixty-second movie review on YouTube.
Tonight, I was able to attend a pre-screening of Tom Cruise’s latest sci-fi action film, “Edge of Tomorrow.”
I was actually at San Diego Comic Con, and terribly shocked when Tom Cruise walked on stage to talk on the panel of this film. Can I just say how much I squeed when he did that, and he looked at me and winked. Winked!
*feels special*
Anyway, I went into this film a bit skeptically, given my gigantic disappointment with the first two films to kick off the summer sucked balls for me. No, really.
*Glares at “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”; Squints at “Godzilla”*
“Edge of Tomorrow” brings a butt-load of action, comedy, intrigue, and a smidge of romance to this time traveling flick, which is basically “Groundhog’s Day” meets “Independence Day.” I’d classify this film as a sci-fi action thriller, layered with comedy. It isn’t straitlaced, but takes itself seriously at the same time. I like the reasoning for time-travel here (and we do get a concrete reason). Everything just works in it. Everything. I saw it in 3-D, a medium I’m terribly “meh” on, and even that worked! I didn’t feel like I was looking at a video game or anything.
Now, off with you to the movies!
Well in June. This film shall be released June 6th.