Diary of a Fangirl: Paul Wesley

I’ve never watched The Vampire Diaries [or True Blood or The Walking Dead and probably some other big, popular fangirly show I’m missing…maybe I’ll Netflix them and write a blog about each ep or season…], but I’ve been to two (count ’em–two!) TVD panels at San Diego Comic Con.  Like Eddie McClintock and Alexander Skarsgard before him, I really enjoyed him as a person on the panel, and that made me curious about the show.

I also got the opportunity to observe him with some fans outside of a party one night at SDCC.  He was very accommodating, and took pics with nearly everyone out there (sadly I didn’t get one, but I wasn’t technically a fan so…).  And I think that’s cool–he seems very down to earth, and he’s also quite funny.

I look forward to learning more about you, Mr. Wesley.

[Note: Does he look like a cross between Justin Bieber and David Boreanaz to anyone but me?]


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