DIVERGENT Movie Review

While I have not read the books, I was all too curious to see the latest in teen film phenomena (presumably), “Divergent.”  In addition to it taking place and being filmed in my awesome city of Chicago, was based on the novel by Veronica Roth, who wrote the first one as her thesis for a […]

American Hustle

For the last several weeks, the trailers for “American Hustle” have left me ambivalent about seeing it in theatres.  The other night, I saw a Richard Roeper review, in which he raved about how awesome it was, and that the DeNiro cameo was possibly some of the best ten minutes of his acting career. After […]

Diary of a Fangirl: The Wolf of Wall Street

“The Wolf of Wall Street” brought back a boatload of nostalgia. I love Scorsese, and I love DiCaprio, so I was 99% sure I was going to love their latest project.  After viewing it, I can tell you that was a complete understatement. “Goodfellas” is not only my favorite Scorsese film, but my favorite film, […]

"The Best Man Holiday," Films, Black Films, and Wtfery

This started as a Facebook post but kept getting longer and longer.  That’s when I realized that it’s been damn near three months since I’ve posted anything here. Sorry… Anyway, a friend  linked to this on her FB page, and I have to say it pissed me off so much that it brought me out […]

Diary of a Fangirl: The Wolverine

Let me start this by saying that there has thus far absolutely not one solidly good X-Men film (in my opinion) in well…ever.  Each and every single solitary one has disappointed me in some shape or form.  I can’t narrow it down to one specific thing, or even one specific character portrayal.  But when I […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Much Ado About Nothing

Through a series of serendipitous events, I happened across a couple of tickets to a pre-screening of Joss Whedon’s “Much Ado About Nothing.”  I’ve never read the play or seen any adaptation of it, so I went in totally cold.  For those who are just as clueless as I was, it’s a modern spin on […]

Diary of a Fangirl: The Heat

If “Bridesmaids” and “Pineapple Express” had a baby, and that baby had a baby with “21 Jump Street,” the end result would be “The Heat.” Don’t dig the airbrushing. I’m sure it’s not the first strictly female buddy comedy, but I swear I can’t think of another, which means it’s either been too long, or […]

Diary of a Fangirl: This Is The End

I think this summer is going to be where comedy reigns as King.  Also, I’m including the first half hour of “After Earth” on that list (albeit the funny in that film was totally unintentional). “This Is the End” was hilarious, and went in totally unexpected directions.  There’s no way you can guess the last […]