“Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice” Movie Review

I know that the “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” film has received a ton of hate from the beginning, particularly with the casting, and as someone who was an initial naysayer, I have to put out there for the record that we were all wrong. The film runs for two hours and forty-one minutes, […]

Why Richonne Haters Can Step To The Left

On the last episode of The Walking Dead [“The Next World”], Rick and Michonne [finally] consummated their love for each other. All of the writings were on the wall for impending Richonne, the scene was well done and yet… There are these murmurings: “Michonne is too strong.” “She’s like his sister.” “This means she’s probably […]


I don’t know why this particular review manifested itself in the manner in which I am sharing it, but I suppose one can take a guess.  There are no spoilers in the images below.  However, there is a hint at one in the last image.  Additionally, what is not mentioned in the review is that […]

KRAMPUS Movie Review

Drop Dead Fred.  Coneheads.  She-Devil.  The Cable Guy.  Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead.  The Mask.  Death Becomes Her. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.  Groundhog Day. While a small sample, I think the films listed are a bit indicative of the zany, comedic films that were available in the late eighties to mid nineties.  A few […]

“The Revenant” Movie Review

Yesterday, I was able to see a pre-screening of the film “The Revenant,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Domhall Gleeson, and Will Poulter. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this.  If you told me, “Hey–want to see a film where DiCaprio doesn’t speak much, is mostly alone, and spends a good deal crawling […]

“TRUMBO” Movie Review

Every once in awhile, I’ll see a film or read a story or book that touches me in a special way and provides motivation to be better.  “Trumbo” is this year’s inspiration. I didn’t know much, well, anything about Dalton Trumbo.  In fact, with a career that spanned nearly half a century (with some work […]

“The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” Review

While waiting for the “Batman V. Superman” panel at San Diego Comic Con, the audience got their first glimpse of Henry Cavill on stage for “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” panel.  While looking at Henry isn’t a bad deal (nor is looking at Armie Hammer), I wasn’t exactly excited about the panel, or hearing about the […]

FANTASTIC 4: Yea Or Nay?

Tonight, in spite of hearing poor reviews about “Fantastic 4,” I paid my money and went to the show.  I have to say… I liked it. Oh sure, the alternate dimension set could have had a bit more “oomf” put into it, or you know, money with the CGI, but the story itself was solid. […]