[Finally] Meeting Joss Whedon

This year was my fourth or fifth year at SDCC, and every year, I’ve managed to see Joss Whedon in passing. Usually after the EW party, but always somewhere.

The first time I saw him at the con was going by in a pedicab with Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk. Bit of a whir, but I did see him.

This year, he had his own panel in Hall H (the place I basically lived in all days of the con), and it was the first time I got to see him for an extended period of time in person. Great panel, and ended with Joss receiving an icon award. He got kind of teary and more or less fled the stage after thanking everyone. I didn’t know about the award, but I was going to hand him something after the panel, but the opportunity never presented itself.


Later that evening, I saw him preparing to exit a party. By the time he came out the door, he kind of went in a whirlwind–took two fan photos, and was gone before I could get to him. But, I knew I had one last chance, as he was staying in my hotel.
I sat in the lobby, waiting, and waiting, then I finally had to use the loo. I figured I wouldn’t miss anything; it’d be quick.

I return, and I ask one of the girls standing in the lobby if anyone had shown up.

Girl 1: Oh, just Joss Whedon.

Me: OMG! WHEN!!?!???

Girl 2: Like two seconds ago.

Girl 1: He was headed for the elevators.

In spite of my feet feeling kind of numb from standing and walking around in heels for four hours, I made a mad dash towards the elevators. I hope I looked like an elegant gazelle, but…anyway, he was taking photos with two fans, which, thank the heavens, slowed him down.

Me: Joss, please can I take a pic?

Joss: Sure.

Me: Oh, thank god!  I’ve been trying to track you down for some time now.

[Joss smiles at that]

Also, I wanted to say you totally deserved that award and you’ve inspired me since like age eleven, and it’s an honor to meet you.

He smiled and looked touched by it.  “Thank you,” he said. He reached out his hand after his wife took the pic, and I felt embarrassed cause my hand was wet.

Still, it was a glorious moment. I just wish I had one of my The Good Soldier handouts to give him, or a “Hire Me Joss!” sign.

Damn it.

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