10 Most Fascinating Characters of 2015


Today marks the first annual “Ten Most Fascinating Characters” of the year.  Sure, the year isn’t quite over, but it’s safe to say that the votes are locked up.

Here is the Fangirl list:


  1. Supergirl / Kara Danvers

The iconic character of Supergirl returning to the screen should have been a big deal [in a good way].  With the success of other DC properties [Arrow, The Flash, Gotham], fanfare should have been trumpeting for Supergirl, especially with the potential for crossovers.  Instead, the arrival of Kara Danvers to CBS was met with ridicule. 12380164_10101392440645067_881176219_n

Kara: It was definitely a shock. I thought that people would be…happier about another lead female on TV.  I know that Black Widow skit on SNL was kind of uncanny, but…I just wish more people would give it a real chance before condemning it.

Still, she’s on this list because, even if it wasn’t in the best of ways, she still made a splash.


  1. Barry Allen / The Flash

Ah yes, the fastest man alive has been going up, up, up in the ratings.  It’s first year out, it was the highest rated show on the CW.  This season is shaping up to be more of the same.  Viewers are still fascinated by Barry.  I for one tune in every week.

12400288_10101392440739877_1089543118_oBarry:  Wow.  It’s amazing, really.  I…you know, I didn’t expect to be this popular.  Oliver helped give me a strong foundation, but I’m glad people watch the show for its own merits.  It’s good to know for a fact that we’re connecting with our audience, and that we keep connecting with them every week.  Or that you know, people are rooting for the geek guy who just happens to have mad dash skills.


  1. Katniss Everdeen

This year marked the end (so to speak) of the Mockingjay on the big screen.  Though it did big in theaters, it didn’t do12400344_10101392440719917_609590394_o nearly as well as the previous films, bringing in just under a quarter of a billion dollars.  Still, folks filled seats to see Ms. Everdeen pick up her long bow one last time.

Katniss: It was truly a pleasure to shoot that final arrow.  I’m glad those who took the time to see it enjoyed it.


  1. Felicity Smoak 

Felicity has paved the way for geek girls everywhere.  She’s smart, stylish, speaks her mind, and has the world in her palm.  The fall finale ep of the Arrow has some worried.  But whatever the outcome, Ms. Smoak has left a huge 12405254_10101392440924507_1829424631_oimpression.  Especially this year.

Felicity: While I’m shocked that—wait.  No I’m not.  I totally deserved this. Earned it!  All of the things I have to put up with.  Not to mention running a billion dollar company while being with the man of my dreams and not having to sacrifice any of the things that I love in the process.  I am so full of win.  So full of win!  Seven’s lucky and all, but, shouldn’t I be number one?


  1. 007

There was much talk not only about “Spectre,” the latest Bond installment, but also about who would play the role next (even though Daniel hadn’t totally vacated the space yet).  Bond has been talked about throughout the duration 12405038_10101392440734887_851528644_oof the year, which has garnered him the number six spot on my list.

Bond. James Bond:  I’ve been on the silver screen for the last fifty plus years with twenty-six films and seven actors portraying me.  Whatever happens next, I know it will sell.  I am the premier spy, after all.  I look forward to the next fifty.


  1. Christian Grey

Love him or hate him, “50 Shades Of Grey” made nearly $100 million its opening weekend.  People flocked to theaters to see Grey in action. 12404941_10101392440709937_833885118_o

Christian:  Is it really any surprise?  My international appeal, or how much money I can bring to the table? 


  1. Jessica Jones

Talk about a character who seemingly came from left field.  Jessica Jones seemed to spring to popularity overnight.  And with good reason.  She seems to be a magnificent cross of Daria-like droll and Buffy-like wit.  There’s a bit of Wednesday Addams in there, too.  The release of the Netflix series was a great way to kick off the tail-end of the year.12400022_10101392440724907_449011335_o

Jessica: Gee. Thanks. If I were on my period, I might cry.


  1. Glenn Rhee

Glenn, while a lead character, had been a bit on the sidelines for awhile.  Until everyone thought he had bit the dust.  Fans were left with unease and turmoil for weeks, waiting to learn of Glenn’s true fate.  Due to timing and emotional devastation, Glenn rounds out our top three.10614439_10101392440779797_421756069_o

Glenn: This is…I can’t accept this.  I don’t.  I’ve almost lost my life.  Time and time again.  I’ve had to watch people I care about die horrible, painful, agonizing deaths.  And this?  This is what you do with that horror?


  1. Cookie Lyon

There’s no mistaking the steady popularity of the hit Fox series Empire.  This is in large due part to the show’s matriarch, Cookie Lyon.  Whether you watch the show or not, you know of and have seen Cookie.12405007_10101392440929497_234362277_o

Cookie: Hmph. I’m not surprised I’m on this list.  However, I AM surprised that I’m not further up on this list.  Cookie is number one.  You betta believe that


This character blind-sided everyone.  Netflix series are on the rise, and Jessica Jones definitely played a huge part in boosting viewership for 2015.

  1. Wade Wilson/DEADPOOL

It’s true—“Deadpool” won’t be in theaters until February 12th, 2016.  But this is one superhero film that everyone is looking forward to seeing.  Particularly so since it had such a long, hard road to production.  When the trailer was revealed for the first time at San Diego Comic Con 2015, the audience gave an uproar of applause, and demanded to see it again.  The [true] intro of Wade Wilson has been long anticipated, giving this character, who hasn’t really been seen yet, the edge for most interesting character this year.12394620_10101392440844667_2103125186_o

Deadpool:  Oh!  I have so many people to thank for this non-award!  There’s me, my awesome suit, and me again.  I’m sure that my movie will more than meet your expectations.  My only hope is that I can truly please myself.


This was originally posted at The Geek Initiative.

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