Diary of a Fangirl: The X Factor

The X-Factor is finally back, and with some new judges– Britney–I grew up on her.  I’m not too keen on her music these days, but I do like her as a judge.  I don’t know much about Demi, but she’s an okay judge as well.  I thought I’d miss Paula (but not whatshername, though), but…the show […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Project Runway

Project Runway is another show that I had no intention of watching until my mother coerced me.  Frankly, I thought it was going to be some lame rip off of America’s Next Top Model. Boy, how wrong was I. I LOVE Project Runway, and I find Heidi to be quite likable.  My girl crushes are limited […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Glee

The season premier of Glee came on last week, and I’m just now getting to it. Honestly, I was hard pressed to rouse any desire to even watch it this season.  Part of the reason was that after meeting a couple of cast members [after the EW party at San Diego Comic Con] who were ambivalent […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Meeting James Marsters and Nicholas Brendon

Today’s guest post is from Julie: I’d seen Nick and James in Chicago.  In Chicago I nagged Froggy (the con photographer) into adding the Nick/James sandwich to the photo op menu.  When the three of us were in the photo tent I (gently?) shoved them together in an attempt to get a fun and slashy result.  Nick, […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Shark Tank

One of my favorite shows has finally returned this past Friday–Shark Tank. This show was one of the few shows that I started to watch because my mother insisted that I do.  I grudgingly watched an ep and shortly thereafter became addicted.  The addiction just happened to coincide when the dynamic of the tank was […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Fangirl Excerpt

Yesterday, I had my first reading for Fangirl (hence the howling abyss on this blog yesterday).  So today, in celebration of the success that was and the upcoming reading I’ll have October 3rd at Beverly Branch Library, I’m going to go ahead and post chapter 1 in its entirety here.  First, my Fangirl celebrity promo […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad is another show on a long list of shows I have yet to see.  That all changed the other night when I saw the first two eps of the series at my BFF’s house. I have mixed feelings about the show.  I mean, it’s funny and interesting and I want to know what happens […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Chicago Teachers Union Strike

Hello, gentle readers. Usually I don’t do this, but I can’t help but make a post here because this whole Chicago Teachers Union strike thing has affected me on a visceral, emotional, and personal level. I was out this morning, and saw them picketing outside of a school on Western, and I honked my horn […]