Diary of a Fangirl: The Mindy Project

Episode three of The Mindy Project aired today, and this show truly has it all– A token person of color (who’s also the lead and representing the curvy girls–what what?), a hot British guy (or, the character is British, anyway.  Not sure of the actor), douchebag guy who’s a potential love interest, the “wacky neighbor,” and […]

Diary of a Fangirl: More thoughts on "Looper"

Some further notes/thoughts on the film, and it’s a tad more analytical…    “Looper” is the kind of movie that will make a geek’s heart sing.  I should know, being an uber-geek and all.  It has time travel and great laws for time travel, takes place in the future (though not the future in which […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Mariah Carey and American Idol

I cannot say how happy I am that American Idol has finally gotten a real voice to judge these contestants.  Mariah Carey is a POWERHOUSE. I saw the clip of Nicki Minaj essentially being loud and ignorant, snapping off on Mariah by threatening her person and her life– Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. Nicki Minaj […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Tom Hiddleston and Loki

So, I was watching “The Avengers” for the second time ever this past Sunday on this roof deck terrace thingy, and I got to observe Loki (and Tom Hiddleston) a bit more. I’ve been reading a lot/seeing a lot about him on the internets, and the nerd girls and fangirls have totally fallen for him. […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Reggie Bush

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a “pretty” post, and in honor of the football games I’m not watching, I decided to do one on a football player–Reggie Bush. I honestly don’t know too much about him, other than dating Kim Kardashian. That’s how little I care about sports.  But I hear he’s a kick […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Seth MacFarlane

I’ve been meaning to write a Seth MacFarlane post for quite sometime now, and this morning presented the perfect opportunity. Seth is funny, gorgeous, and has strangely perfect teeth.  I’m a total fan of his (though oddly, not of his hit show Family Guy, or those other two spin off shows).  I became fascinated with […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Reggie Bush

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a “pretty” post, and in honor of the football games I’m not watching, I decided to do one on a football player–Reggie Bush. I honestly don’t know too much about him, other than dating Kim Kardashian. That’s how little I care about sports.  But I hear he’s a kick […]