Living Single Movie

When I went to San Diego Comic Con 2013, I unexpectedly ran into a woman who portrayed one of my favorite TV characters–Living Single‘s Erika Alexander.  I couldn’t think of her name on the spot, so I asked her, “Maxine Shaw?” to which she quickly replied “Attorney at law!”  And then we hugged.  So awesome.

She was there on comic related business (to which I can’t recall the name of, sadly), and the chat got around to Living Single.  I asked her would there ever be a big screen reunion in the works.  The gist of her response was that Queen Latifah more or less wouldn’t discuss it.  I must now wonder why?

The cast, from what I gathered, were on fairly good terms.  And given the commercial success of the Sex and the City films (based on a show, which, came after Living Single) and “The Best Man Holiday,” you’d think they all would be chomping at the bit.  I mean Latifah is still an actress.  Producer.  Started her career on a message called UNITY.  What’s the real opposition here?  Showing a big screen version of this successful series which features successful black women who are BFFs?  It would be positive and funny and highly successful, and it’s not even like one would have to be familiar with the series to enjoy the film.  This mysterious opposition baffles me to no end.

So, if there’s anyone out there in touch with Queen Latifah, tell her to have a bit of fun and bring joy to the hearts of movie goers with a green light for a film adaptation of one of the funniest sitcoms of the 90’s.

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