This summer has just ended, but I’m already thinking about the summer of 2017. June 2nd, “Wonder Woman” will finally be coming to the big screen, and solo. Initially, the film was due this winter, but I am glad the Powers That Be realized that they had a film worthy of a summer release, with its incredible block buster potential. Gal Gadot brings power, grace and beauty to the role, and I for one cannot not wait to see director Patty Jenkins’ final product.
Gal was kind enough to give a few moments of her time to answer some questions on this iconic role and acting.
Jill: What made you decide to go into acting?
l: I never wanted to be an actress. I was studying to be a lawyer at university, but one day a casting director for “Quantam of Solace” saw a modeling card of mine and wanted me to audition. I did, and lost out on the part, but it made me think twice about my career. I played some small parts in Israel, but once I made the move to Los Angeles, I auditioned for a lot of roles, worked very hard, and I think by sheer determination I am lucky to be where I am now! I am grateful for that experience because it helped me realize what my dreams were.

Jill: What is your process for approaching a character?
Gal: I just roll with it, really! For a lot of characters, obviously there is a story behind them. Wonder Woman has a comic book background, and I had some pretty big shoes to fill in the form of Lynda Carter, who is an amazing woman. But it’s important to make a role somewhat your own, so I just do what I feel is right. Most of the time it pays off, just like it did when I auditioned for Gisele in “Fast & Furious” and Natalie in “Keeping Up with the Joneses.”
Jill: What was the audition process like for the role of Diana Prince?
Gal: Well, the audition process was a very weird one! I actually auditioned for the role of Cat Woman
initially but Mr. Zack Snyder gave me a call and said, “Come in for another audition. I feel like there is a better fit for you.” I did not know I was auditioning for Wonder Woman until I read some lines and conducted a screen test with Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill. Some time later, I received another call. Zack told me I had won the role of Wonder Woman! I wouldn’t say it was a hard process, but it was a real eye opener for me. I’m unsure of how many women auditioned for the role, but I am thankful that it was me.

Jill: Did the tone of “Batman v. Superman” affect your portrayal? I’m pretty sure Diana is the only one having any fun, and it’s delightful to see.
Gal: Not at all! The tone of the movie was supposed to have a dark feel to it, but we were definitely laughing and having fun in between takes. The cast was amazing to work with! It’s nice to know my fun side was portrayed, though!
Jill: What was the single, most appealing thing about portraying Wonder Woman?
Gal: The most appealing thing for me was Wonder Woman’s strength and fighting ability, but at the same time, Diana Prince’s innocence and vulnerability. I loved the contrast of different personalities within the character. Once you see the “Wonder Woman” movie directed by the wonderful Patty Jenkins, you may hopefully see this and empathize with her!
Jill: How did you make the role of Wonder Woman your own?
Gal: I have always wanted to represent a strong and confident woman on screen and off screen, so this was the perfect opportunity to make the role my own. I hoped that Wonder Woman could be somebody, especially someone who women could look up to. I like to think this has already been shown in “Batman Vs Superman,” but you will definitely see more in “Wonder Woman” and “The Justice League.”
Jill: What is your dream role? What [other] iconic roles would you like to play?
Gal: My dream role [besides Wonder Woman] was to be a Bond girl (which I lost). And even Faroa in “Man of Steel” which I considered, but due to being pregnant at the time, I turned down. However, all of these things happened for a reason, because I wouldn’t be playing such an iconic character now if it didn’t.
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