Diary of a Fangirl: Derrick Rose

To those that know me, it is no secret that the sports gene (and there is mos def a sports gene in my family) skipped me.  I never had a desire to really watch any sport (with the exception of figure skating, which my mom made watch while growing up), or participate in any (I don’t like to run unless it’s for my life.  Though I was on the volleyball team in sixth grade).  But recently (and by “recent” I mean in the last year), my mom had me watch something else:

Derrick Rose.

I’ve always rooted for the Bulls by default–they’re my home team, and it’d be awesome to have back the “glory days” of the Jordan era.  But when I watched him play, I actually felt truly engaged.  He was exciting to watch, and I loved his enthusiasm!  Forgive me–this is hard to explain, but I just felt as if his performance was overall captivating.

I am clueless when it comes to technical terms, but I will say this: The guy’s got game; he’s got it in spades, actually.  Of course, as soon as I get interested, poor Derrick got injured.


But upon his return…Yeah, I think I’ll watch [basketball] again.  Derrick’s got me in the game, and I’m sure he’ll lead the Bulls to a championship soon.


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