Happy New Year, gang! Hope it was a great one.
Here are some of my fangirl favorites of this year:
TV Shows: Breaking Bad, Arrow
Films: (in no particular order) Argo, The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Django Unchained, Lincoln, Looper, Cloud Atlas
Actors: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hiddleston, Keanu Reeves, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Willis, Christoph waltz, Daniel Day Lewis, Charlize Theron
Favorite Convention: San Diego Comic Con 2012
Favorite Fangirl Moment: Talking to Chris Meloni, squeeing on the mic.
Favorite book: “Fangirl,” of course.
Favorite Characters: Jesse Pinkman, Daryl Dixon, Shane Walsh (sans last couple of eps before death), Walter White, Oliver Queen, the Hulk, Detective Benson
Favorite Directors: Whedon, Tarantino, Nolan, Spielberg
Things to look forward to in 2013: “This is the End,” the new season of Psych, the series finale of Breaking Bad, Seth MacFarlane hosting The Oscars, “Twelve Years a Slave,” San Diego Comic Con 2013, my new novel “The Tigress.”