Diary of a Fangirl: Arrested Development Returns on Netflix

In 2006, FOX, dumbass network that they are, crushed my spirit and prematurely canceled the award winning and uber hilarious series Arrested Development.

But today, devotees can rest assured that there will be a 10 to 13 episode run–a mini series if you will–featured on Netflix in the Spring of 2013.  This will then [hopefully] snowball into a film later next year.  I mean, it’s announced on imdb.com with a full cast list, and there’s even mention in an article about a new Bluth by the name of “JarJar.”  Yes, JarJar Bluth, and only on a zaney [and wickedly intelligent] series like AR would something like that happen.

[ETA: Maybe JarJar is the son of Franklin Bluth or something?  It’s a thought.]

Each character will essentially get their own episode with visits/appearances by the other characters, making it one long cohesive thread, and will take place after the events of season 3.  Now, due to Michael Cera looking a tad older, I imagine they will have had some time passing.  Or maybe they’ll ignore that age thing.  Anyway, I’m excited! ! *SQUEE*

I don’t have Netflix, but I promise on everything, I will get it for this, and have an epic watch of this upcoming and long awaited season.


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