In 2006, FOX, dumbass network that they are, crushed my spirit and prematurely canceled the award winning and uber hilarious series Arrested Development.
But today, devotees can rest assured that there will be a 10 to 13 episode run–a mini series if you will–featured on Netflix in the Spring of 2013. This will then [hopefully] snowball into a film later next year. I mean, it’s announced on with a full cast list, and there’s even mention in an article about a new Bluth by the name of “JarJar.” Yes, JarJar Bluth, and only on a zaney [and wickedly intelligent] series like AR would something like that happen.
[ETA: Maybe JarJar is the son of Franklin Bluth or something? It’s a thought.]Each character will essentially get their own episode with visits/appearances by the other characters, making it one long cohesive thread, and will take place after the events of season 3. Now, due to Michael Cera looking a tad older, I imagine they will have had some time passing. Or maybe they’ll ignore that age thing. Anyway, I’m excited! ! *SQUEE*
I don’t have Netflix, but I promise on everything, I will get it for this, and have an epic watch of this upcoming and long awaited season.