Why Richonne Is Important

I’ve been shipping Richonne [Rick & Michonne of The Walking Dead] since the moment they saw each other through that chain link fence, and she was covered in walker guts.  When they held hands on that couch, I assure you, my heart sang.  It sang.  And when they finally kissed, my soul soared. I hardcore […]

Why Richonne Haters Can Step To The Left

On the last episode of The Walking Dead [“The Next World”], Rick and Michonne [finally] consummated their love for each other. All of the writings were on the wall for impending Richonne, the scene was well done and yet… There are these murmurings: “Michonne is too strong.” “She’s like his sister.” “This means she’s probably […]

Why Spike Is Awesome/In Defense of Angel

Saw a post on Hello Giggles on why they would have chosen Spike over Angel on Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  Being the fandom scholar that I am, I had a lot of issues with several the points, and I shall therefore address them here. Which Angel are we talking about? I love Angel.  I truly do. […]


I don’t know why this particular review manifested itself in the manner in which I am sharing it, but I suppose one can take a guess.  There are no spoilers in the images below.  However, there is a hint at one in the last image.  Additionally, what is not mentioned in the review is that […]

10 Most Fascinating Characters of 2015

TEN MOST FASCINATING CHARACTERS OF 2015 Today marks the first annual “Ten Most Fascinating Characters” of the year.  Sure, the year isn’t quite over, but it’s safe to say that the votes are locked up. Here is the Fangirl list:   Supergirl / Kara Danvers The iconic character of Supergirl returning to the screen should […]

KRAMPUS Movie Review

Drop Dead Fred.  Coneheads.  She-Devil.  The Cable Guy.  Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead.  The Mask.  Death Becomes Her. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.  Groundhog Day. While a small sample, I think the films listed are a bit indicative of the zany, comedic films that were available in the late eighties to mid nineties.  A few […]

“The Revenant” Movie Review

Yesterday, I was able to see a pre-screening of the film “The Revenant,” starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Domhall Gleeson, and Will Poulter. I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this.  If you told me, “Hey–want to see a film where DiCaprio doesn’t speak much, is mostly alone, and spends a good deal crawling […]