Diary of a Fangirl: Michelle Obama

Oh, the First Lady… There are many reasons why I love her–she’s intelligent, beautiful, and epitomizes grace and class–things that cannot be bought or augmented. OMG, I’d LOVE to play her in a movie… I also love her for totally superficial reasons–those arms!  The fact that she’s five eleven like me, or how we graduated […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Amber Benson

In 2008, I was living in L.A. for a Columbia writing program at CBS studios.  One of our outings entailed going to the Writer’s Guild of America to hear some speakers, and in the elevator, who did I run into of all people? Amber! She ran into the elevator with me and a few friends, […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie)

Fangirl movie edition! I remember I was about six years old, coming out of a movie with my Aunt Joann and seeing this poster on the wall in the hallway of the theatre: I remembered being intrigued, and excited to see the film at some point.  I don’t remember what movie I had just seen […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Curb Your Enthusiasm

I discovered Curb Your Enthusiasm in the seventh season, I believe.  I’d heard how great it was for years, but what had finally compelled me to watch it was the faux Seinfeld reunion that came about in…s6 was it?  Anyway, I watched the show, and fell in love with this awkward as hell, forthright asshole that […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Joel McHale

Last year was the first time I went to San Diego Comic Con, and I met and saw a slew of celebrities.  Some I cared about; some I could care less about.  However, one guy I did meet is on a show you may have heard of called The Soup, which I love, or Community, […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Jennifer Hudson

I’ve been a fan of Jennifer Hudson since point one when she first appeared on American Idol. I I knew then that she was going to be something special.  She didn’t win, as you all know, but her career has surpassed that of any Idol winner–the woman has an Oscar!  She is one of ten black […]

Diary of a Fangirl: James Marsters Fan Squee Moment

Okay, this is another fangirl donation from PattiJ, who is sharing a James Marsters experience.  Get your submissions in today!  Every Monday will be a fan-post donated by one of you, so make sure to share one of your stories!  And remember, the post can be about anyone or anything (i.e. seeing your favorite film or […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Michael Fassbender

This is technically another “guy pretty” edition, cause…good grief, this man is gorgeous–long hair, short hair, facial, clean shaven, period piece clothing, modern, suits, loin cloths, no clothes–whatever!  But he is also one helluva an actor.  I first noticed Mr. Fassbender in the magnificent “Inglorious Basterds,” and loved his “Mind if I go out in […]