Diary of a Fangirl: Jane Lynch

I became a HUGE fan of Jane’s after watching her on Glee, and frankly, her character Sue Sylvester is most of the reason why I even bother to watch.  To my surprise, I saw that a good friend of mine’s, Katie, had the chance to meet her! Katie:  “I met her at the People for […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Final Destination Franchise

As someone who kinda loves certain kinds of horror films (i.e. loves to laugh at stuff like “Freddy vs. Jason” or “Carrie” or “The Exorcist,” and can genuinely enjoy, if not be morbidly curious by stuff like “Predators,” or “Wrong Turn” or “House of Wax”), I was intrigued by the Final Destination films because it presented […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Alright, first things first.  When I saw young Abe in this film, I couldn’t help but think… Liam Neeson? The actor, Benjamin Walker, actually played a young Neeson, or rather a young Kinsey in “Kinsey.”  Haven’t seen that film, but I assume it was without the nose prosthetic he wore in “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.” […]

Diary of a Fangirl: The Amazing Spider-man

Spoilers, but not really. Yesterday, I saw “The Amazing Spider-man” with my siblings, and I have to say it was very well done.  The execution and the story itself was much tighter than the Tobey Maguire version (and also, Andrew Garfield is a  lot nicer to look at). The villain was more human (er, so […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Snow White and the Huntsman

A friend of mine said, “Only in film can Kristen Stewart be more fair than Charlize Theron.”  I’m inclined to agree. Initially, on my Sunday spree of seeing films, I was supposed to see “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter,” but the times got all screwed up, and ended up seeing this instead. I had wanted to […]

Diary of a Fangirl: The Avengers

I saw this movie back when it came out, but I kinda want to see it again.  Preferably in IMAX (screw you, 3D). It’s true–I’d prefer Edward Norton to Mark Ruffalo, I didn’t get why a dude with bow and arrows or a chick with a gun would matter, I’ve never see “Thor,” and I […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Ted

So Sunday, I went to see two films at two different theatres on two opposite sides of town (long story).  Now initially, I had no intention of seeing “Ted.”  I love Seth McFarlane–seen him on Real Time a few times, but I can’t stand that damn Family Guy.  But the more trailers I saw, the more […]

Diary of a Fangirl: "Magic Mike" Premier Party

While it’s true that I was able to go to an early premier of “Magic Mike” in Chicago (and honestly, I may go see it again…I wish it were in IMAX), last Sunday night (June 24th), a good friend of mine, Perdell, who’s doing it big out in L.A., was able to go to the […]