Diary of a Fangirl: Wizard World Chicago Day 2 and 3

As what happens so often at a con, the days begin to bleed together.  So, here are some bullet points of what I recall… *Sam Trammel is terribly sweet with soft hands.  H said he wasn’t allowed to do video there, but if one of the con people wasn’t next to him, I think he […]

Diary of a Fangirl: James Marsters

At the Muvico Theatre in Rosemont Wizard World Chicago, James Marsters gave a concert, followed up my a party for his birthday upstairs.  At the last minute (i.e. today), I decided to get one of the last two tickets, which was therefore the second to last ticket. I’ve seen James a handful of times over […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Wizard World Chicago

Day one at Wizard World Chicago. Have to say–wish I was going to D*C instead, but it’s all good.  Hanging out in the hotel with m y girls, and hope to see some people and maybe get some more Fangirl Promos… People I hope to get promos from: *Paul Wesley*Norman Reedus*James Marsters*Sam Trammell*Tom Felton*John Cena*CM […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Joss Whedon’s The Avengers 2

It’s official– Joss Whedon is not only signed on to do “The Avengers 2,” but will also create a Marvel-based series for ABC. As a longtime fan of Whedon, I’m super glad he’s officially left behind his cult status and is now in the super stardom stratosphere. But here are some other things I’d like […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Marilyn Monroe

Today’s guest post is from Diane: Marilyn was the sex symbol of her time.  She was womanly (like Jane Russell, Liz Taylor, and others)–not like the skinny actresses of today. She played the dumb blonde, but she was the smart “dumb blonde.”  She did both comedy (“Seven Year Itch,” “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” etc.) and drama […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Disney’s Cinderella

Once upon a time, when I was a little girl, the first Disney movie I ever saw was “Cinderella.” I was about…two or three at the time, and became completely enamored with the film.  So much so that I would watch it on a loop, and knew the dialogue and songs so well that I […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Ghost Busters 3

So, being an 80’s kid, of course I watched and loved “The Ghostbusters.” I was excited to hear about how they were going to make a new one with the original cast, which, isn’t a reboot, but a continuation of a trilogy that didn’t happen when the first two came out. And then, there was […]