Diary of a Fangirl: America’s Next Top Model

I was upset when she did the “short model” season.  I was upset when Janice was gone; I was upset when Nole Marin was gone; I was upset when Adrianne Curry was unofficially stripped from the show as if her win had never happened. I was really pissed when Angelea was stripped of her win […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Josh Marks for the win!

Last night was another riveting ep of MasterChef, and I have to tell you, I was so hoping Josh would go head to head with Frank and kick his ass. And then I saw the challenge–not one but three Soufflés–one cheddar for Gordon, one chocolate for Graham, and one raspberry for Joe.  I’ve never made one of […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Shia LaBeouf goes all the way…

I have a lot of respect for Shia LaBeouf as an actor.  I know he’s had his personal problems, but when it comes to acting, he’s one of the very rare young “heavy hitters.”  Thus far, his personal life hasn’t interfered with his acting work too much (the broken hand from a fight, if I […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Meeting Paul Wesley

Today’s Guest Post is from Tambra: Jeez, uh, I wanted to do very bad things to him and was totally put off that I couldn’t because his wife was right there…lol! No, really, it was awesome, I loves him so much. I was wearing my Stefan shirt when I met him and he’s all, “Cool […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Paul Wesley

I’ve never watched The Vampire Diaries [or True Blood or The Walking Dead and probably some other big, popular fangirly show I’m missing…maybe I’ll Netflix them and write a blog about each ep or season…], but I’ve been to two (count ’em–two!) TVD panels at San Diego Comic Con.  Like Eddie McClintock and Alexander Skarsgard before him, I […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Fangirling Adrianne Curry

This post might be a tad all over, for it’s a fangirly post, a pretty post, and an inspiration post. I am a HUGE fan of Adrianne Curry’s.  I initially saw her on the first season of America’s Next Top Model, and knew that because she was so gorgeous and so awesome, she was a […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Robert Pattinson

So, I’ve only seen like, ten minutes of the first “Twilight” film, and it’s really not my cuppa…Although I do plan to do a marathon watch of all four films soonish/before the next one comes out and will blog about it. Tangents. Anyway, I was trying to get to Rob Pattinson.  From what I’ve seen […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Happy Belated Birthday James Marsters!

So it’s true–James’ birthday was on the 20th, and I did make a post on my LJ that day.  For some reason, I forgot I had a blog (dur), so I wanted to wish a(nother) Happy Birthday to James–the guy who kind of kicked off this whole fandom and comic-con business for me, and also […]