Celebrity Guess: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Split

Well, it’s official you Beliebers–Justin is now back on the market. Honestly, I saw this coming, and not just because they’re young and in Hollywood, but during a recent interview, Selena Gomez said something along the lines of dating Justin was good for her image/she was dating him to make her image look good.  Wow, […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Cloud Atlas

Note: Apologies for the delay on posts.  I had a birthday, followed by a vicious flu bug, and haven’t written anything in awhile. So, for my birthday, I went to see “Cloud Atlas.”  Due to circumstances out of my control, I ended up missing the first…fifteen minutes or so, and another ten shortly after that. […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Flight

I didn’t know what to expect when going into “Flight,” other than the notion that it had to be good.  Starring Denzel Washington, and directed by Robert Zemeckis, how could it possibly go wrong? I watched it, and I”m pleased to say my assumption for greatness was correct. “Flight” is really a character study into […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Mark Reads "Impact"

Some of you may know that in addition to my original work, I also, once upon a time, wrote fan fic for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.Tangent: I’m totally gonna go back and finish some WIPs–honest!And, before I wrote Fangirl, I discovered a site called Mark Watches, and was introduced to Mark.  Mark has […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Halloween Extravaganza 2

Due to my own Trick or Treating fun, I missed the Halloween deadline for this post.  But hey–it’s still good! VAMPIRES I think I have to be honest and say that I’m limited in terms of portrayal of vamps, so this will be a somewhat shallow post about vampires in regards to who looks hot […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Halloween Extravaganza! Part 1

This entry will cover a plethora of things, such as favorite vamps, actors who should play vamps, best Halloween costumes for 2012, horror films to watch on the 31st, etc.  There may be a part two, but for now… HORROR FILMS FOR HALLOWEEN This is the lsit of films I’d recommend if you want a […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Robert Englund & Freddy Kreuger

In honor of Halloween, I must share this wonderful moment I had in an elevator during Flashback Weekend’s Horror con last year in Rosemont. First let me say how much of a fan I am of Freddy Kreuger.  Odd and kinda creepy maybe, but he is an integral part of pop culture and horror.  More […]

Diary of a Fangirl: “The Next Big Thing” Blogchain

The awesome Jean Marie Bauhaus tagged me in this “freeze-tag style blog hop that’s going around Authorville.” Basically, if you get tagged, fill out the questions on your own blog about your upcoming writing project, then tag five additional authors, linking to their blogs or websites.  Oh, and email them to let them know they […]