Diary of a Fangirl: Cult

So, they’re finally starting to show commercials for this on the CW. I actually saw the pilot episode at SDCC 2012, and made an extra effort to do so due to the fact that one of the writer’s is a former teacher of mine. I have to honestly say that I was not disappointed. “Cult” […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Beautiful Creatures

“What can the audience expect to see?  A great film; a great story.” Jeremy Irons, you tell no lies. Tonight I saw “Beautiful Creatures.”  It was… Well, it was shockingly good.  I had no desire to see that film, but the song “Seven Devils” in the previews conned me into it.  But it was really […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Meeting Tom Hiddleston

Today’s guest post is from Tiffany, who has a YouTube video of her encounter here. Meeting Tom was really great.  As you can probably tell from the video, he is super sweet and patient [as were his fans].  We all agreed beforehand that we’d be polite and try not to crowd him.  I wish I […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Warm Bodies

I honestly was not expecting to like this movie.  I thought the concept seemed lame, given the trailers, and that Hollywood was doing this necrophilia push.  But… I liked it.  I liked it a lot. It’s a new take on a popular genre, while putting a spin on Romeo and Juliet, the technicalities of vampirism, […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Do No Harm

I watched the premier of this last week.  I have to say–the trailers didn’t grab me, but I decided to give it a shot, given that so many of my new shows got canceled (RIP 666 Park Avenue, Last Resort, and  30 Rock).   The first third didn’t capture my interest, but as the show trailed […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Half Time Show with Beyonce

I’m not a sports gal, but I did stick tune in to see the Half Time Show with Beyonce and Co. Note: I’m glad I caught the opening and saw Jennifer Hudson sing.  I will never get sick of her voice.  That being said, how sad it was for Alicia Keys to follow a Jennifer […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Stand By Me

I just watched “Stand By Me” for the first time ever a few days ago. I liked the film, but the ending just…well at first I thought it sucked.  Gordie/the Writer talks about how his friend Chris, who looked out for him and was wanting a way out of the life he was in and […]

Diary of a Fangirl: Whedon World–the boy band

So, I can’t even recall how this idea even started, but I had the thought that there should be a boy band featuring some key players from Whedon’s television ‘verses. ETA: Okay, I do now recall how this started and snowballed into this–I made a comment that I thought Nick Lachey looked like a bootleg […]