Diary of a Fangirl: Michael Fassbender

This is technically another “guy pretty” edition, cause…good grief, this man is gorgeous–long hair, short hair, facial, clean shaven, period piece clothing, modern, suits, loin cloths, no clothes–whatever!  But he is also one helluva an actor.  I first noticed Mr. Fassbender in the magnificent “Inglorious Basterds,” and loved his “Mind if I go out in the King’s?” speech.  Oddly enough, I technically first saw him in “300” in IMAX, but I didn’t know who he was (and admittedly, was distracted by a loud, bronzed, ripped Gerard Butler).

Michael has wonderfully defined bone structure (and frankly, body structure), piercing eyes, and my favorite part–that thing where he’s into black women.  I probably wouldn’t care if I wasn’t a black woman, but being one, this makes me tremendously happy.  Ahem.

I gained most respect for him, however, for extraordinary work in acting, and most particularly “Shame”–a brilliantly done and painful film, with a hopeful ending (contrary to popular belief).  If you are a lover of fine cinema and film and have yet to see it, I suggest you do.  Additionally, I think that Mr. Fassbender was not only robbed of a nomination for Best Actor at the Oscars, but if he had been nominated, his work was definitely the best of the bunch.

And there’s also that whole thing where he’s naked a lot in the film, but to be totally truthful, the magnificent acting (and sad story-line) over power all that.

He was also the best thing about “X Men: First Class” [along with co-star James McAvoy], and the only reason(s) I would ever rewatch that godawful tripe.  And now, for a few more random pretty photos for the entry:

And no worries, fanboys and non-hetero fangirls!  I have a few ladies under my cap for the “pretty” editions coming soon.

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