So, there’s going to be this 50 Years of Bond thing going on The Oscars tomorrow, and there has been talk about who would make a great next Bond once Daniel Craig steps down. Well, I have some ideas….
Idris Elba
Idris…what can I say about Idris? He’s gorgeous; he’s suave. Idris has that walk. I think he would make a most brilliant 007. Sadly, this suggestion will be labeled under “pipe dream.” I don’t think they’ll go for a black Bond, sadly.
Michael Fassbender
Michael has those…intense stares. My concern about him is that he’s a bit on the short side for a Bond, but I have no doubt that he would do the role justice all the same. Plus, Money Penny’s black now, and Fassy digs the swirl. I ain’t mad about that, nope.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Okay sure, he’s American, but if there’s any good looking man in real life who gets all the women in a believable manner, it’s this dude. He’s tall, good looking, and a great actor. I think he could fake an accent…
Tom Hiddleston
He’s manly, tall, handsome, and looks good in a suit (one of the main requirements for this role). He also has charm–Bond is (and I’m referencing Connery’s Bond directly) had wit coupled with his suave demeanor. Daniel Craig lacks this, in my opinion.
Additionally, Christoph Waltz must play a villain. No, it just has to happen.
Honorable Mention: Clive Owens